Anyway, tonight we open our scenes with some crap about that Rafe guy being "a fox" to quote Wendy. Tania and Wendy go to check out said fox and he still thinks Tania is a hottie. Wendy is all "jealous!" and I am all "kill me please". It's good stuff.
Rachel wants Sophie of all people to be her PA. I can see why, imagine her CV
early 2010-later 2010: Owner of my dead husband's bar. Ran it into the ground.
Reasons for leaving: See above, had nervous breakdown
Referee: My dad, Callum or maybe this guy Brodie who I may have boned. References available on request.
2009-2010- Some kind of journalist/student
Reason for leaving: Seduced my lecturer, got stalked by lecturer, dropped out
Referee: Maybe the lecturer Ash. He may be dead or in jail?
2008-2009- High school student? Head girl!
Hire me please! I am a widow!
Callum however isn't excited about the idea of sad-sack Sophie working for the hospital "it will seem like I am hiring my daughter". Yes, it seems that way because that is EXACTLY how it is.
Anyway, TK dumps Jennifer's arse in the middle of her shift and leaves her sobbing in her exam room. Tracey comforts her in the ambulance bay and Jennifer is all "DON'T BE NICE TO ME!" she has serious issues.
Brooke is bummed out cos she lost her "one and only female friend" Rachel to the whole Chris/Rachel/2IC job hooha.
For reasons unknown Tania and Durville are hanging out with Wendy at the bar? I guess its cos Murray now works at the bar and Wendy likes to hang out waiting for her non fox man to finish up his shift. I bet she calls him "hubby". I hate when people call their husbands "hubby" the same goes for "bubby" for babies. And I am really getting angry about this newly popular trend of saying that you are doing something "just casually" or "casual-like". It drives me mad. Clearly, I have a very low tolerance for things. I should work on that.
Back at Rafe's hospital bed Wendy, some other nurse and an extra whose head is constantly out of shot are busy being regaled with tales of scaling K2. Wendy is disgustingly smitten. Tania is bored to sleep with his tall stories.

Tania is all "story time is over, bitches" and Wendy shrieks "But he's just getting to the good bit!". No wonder Wendy is like 50 years old and has never risen to the giddy heights of charge nurse, she is a lazy, stupid waste of space.

Isaac traps Rachel and Callum into attending a soiree at Isaac/Chris' house where he proceeds to make snide innuendos about Rachel and Chris boning. Isaac then tries to blackmail Rachel into giving him a payrise (cos he can't survive on $100,000 a year) and Rachel storms out of the party leaving Callum following bemused in her fiery wake.

Meanwhile, Sarah decides to go off with bad accent guy to Boston where she will research some MS. Tracey skulks in the kitchen with too much knowledge about TK and Jennifer and Sarah in her little head. Where is Scotty? That girl needs to get boned good and proper.
TK shows up at Tracey's door asking for Sarah. Tracey is all "come in have a cuppa!" and then when TK starts rambling on about how much he wants to bang Sarah Tracey makes her guilty little face and TK is all "what? what do you know?" and Tracey bellows "NOTHING! LET'S TALK ABOUT RUGBY! THE WORLD CUP!". She is a master of conversation!
TK worms the truth out of Tracey and TK is all devastated. He hasn't got a lot of chance to use the patented TK laugh this episode. Depressed TK is maybe more bearable, though less screenshot worthy than charming lothario TK.
Back at Rachel/Callum central Rachel is busy spilling her guts about the whole Chris kiss affair. Callum expresses his feelings

He is all "please don't touch me" and then suddenly the episode ends? Its actually really weird and unexpected. Caught me off guard in the middle of my roast lamb.
But check out this dapper Callum advertising shot thing! Can you say "silver fox?"

you know the MS american dude who gave Sarah the job is the Chef guy in The Kitchen Job - on TV3 at 7.30pm on Tuesdays. I want to meet his agent.