Nicole's weekly outgoings are $495. She is going to scrap her $40 socialising money to pay off her $1500 bill from pouring soapy water into the rivers and lakes. Or was it $150000? It must be $1500 right? Hmmm maybe its $15,0000? According to my research it could be quite expensive?

Yes. It was $1500. Glad that is sorted.
Maia is going to give Nicole $5 so she can play in the big netball grudge match later on this afternoon and then Maia wants Nicole to participate in some "other indoor sports". That is prostitution Nicole! You are worth more than $5!
Gerald has sore hands and stuff. Libby is referenced as "a midget". Brooke tells Gerald to "fight for your ergonomic rights, Quasimodo!". Weird.
More sexual tension between Rachel and Chris. She wants to prove that she doesn't want to stick it ALL OVER Chris by saying that she needs coffee because "me and Callum were up all night". Significant stare. She has printed off "HARD copies" for Chris. Signficant pause.
Nicole has to choose between overtime and the big netball grudge match. This is just like High School Musical where Troy has to choose between the musical which is scheduled at the EXACT SAME TIME as the big basketball game!

Meanwhile, Ula is busy bullying Wendynurse's kids, "Jazzmaggot" and other kid. Mostly Jazzmaggot though. She plays a funny prank and puts THIS book in Jazzmaggot's bag!

I LOVE THIS BOOK! When I was like 8-14 I got this book out every single week from the town library! Although I think it was called "What's happening to me!?!!?!?" and it had this really detailed drawing of a woman getting more and more pregnant. It fascinated and horrified me and I blame it for my current phobia of pregnancy/the act of giving birth.
Jazzmaggot is embarrassed! OH NO! Librarian: "It's perfectly natural! Curiousity ho ho ho!"
Oh look! The Shortie Shooters won against central! Gerald is really bummed cos his desk hurts him and so Callum got him a new one- BUT its not a new one! It's some called Cyril's old desk! and Gerald says "I don't want Cyril's sloppy seconds!'. That makes two of us!
Sarah and Maia discuss Maia getting Nicole in the mood for some hot lesbian loving. Sarah: "You've got the chocolate mousse, now get creative!". SCANDAL!
Nicole goes to the netball after party and Maia has planned a sexy night in for them with candles and romantic music and shit but then Nicole invites the entire netball team back to their place for an orgy or something! THAT'S WHAT I CALL A PARTY!
oh! Maia is all sexed up in her black silk robe! OH AND SHE TAKES IT OFF AND SHE IS IN A SEXY NETBALL OUTFIT! She has pinned a "C" to her best sexy nightie! What do YOU think "C" stands for? I know I have my suspicions...

She's going to get her whistle blown, if you know what I mean! But hang on, time out! Brodie is hear with Luke Durvel and a whole host of random characters! Looks like this sexy match up has been rained out or something!
This has depressed me. I never go to these kinds of parties.
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