Gerald: He is an admin worker and asexual. This asexual storyline used to be important but now its not. He was married though to Morgan but they had a sexless marriage. This made her cheat with Hunter. But I think Hunter and Gerald are still pals. Morgan's dead so I guess it doesn't matter anyway, she's not romancing anyone anytime soon.
Gerald wears a lot of pink and does not much else. Fun fact, in real life he is cousins with Scotty!
Hunter: Already mentioned but he is Callum's son and once was a male model and hooked up with an old lady. Then with Morgan and others. When Hunter and sister Sophie first started on the show there was some definate sexual tension. Every scene was seething in it. You could see that Hunter wanted to ravage Sophie with or without mum and dad in the room. I can only assume that the directors noticed, took the two aside and quietly suggested that they fix this little problem with a quick one two in the car park because thankfully this yucky dynamic is no longer grossing everyone out. Hunter is also going to be a doctor blah blah blah.
Cool Guy: Cool guy is new to the show and lives with Hunter and the girl from the lovely bones. He is super cool, you can tell because he talks like old character KIP and gets drunk all the time and got kicked out of med school. I loathe him. Now he works at the I.V (nice one DOC) and hits on old lady guest stars. He has a horrible little goatee thing and I wish him gone.
Chris' cousin Issac: He is boring and rich and pines after Zoe who is a boring nutritionist or something. Chris did surgery on her son and ruined him so I think no she is using Chris to further her boring career of making healthy hospital meals. Isaac akes great faces though

Daniel: Daniel once thought he was Sarah's brother but it turned out that actually he was her son! At this point he was like a 12 year old with an extremely high voice and effiminate nature. Then he got really mad and ran off to Samoa to live with his dad or something? Anyway, he came back, was now Ido Drent, and promptly broke into a mans house, tied him up and almost killed him while attempting to host a hot party to impress Sophie maybe. Then various things happened, I think he slept with Sophie, got involved with petty crime and then got Lauren pregnant. He didn't want her to abort the baby but she wanted to and OH HIGH DRAMA. In the end she aborted the baby I think and ran off to England. Apparently the set, Sugar, where they spent most of their courtship is meant to be based on The Royal Tenenbaums? Lofty aspirations Shortland Street!
Ash: He is a disgusting pervert lecturer who is sticking it hard to sophie and who has bouncy curls and enormous nipples. That's really all there is to know about him at the moment. Oh but actually he is being set up as a creepy master manipulator. He told Sophie off for wearing a short skirt and might end up beating her.

Really miss the days of trucks smashing into reception.