So Hunter almost killed this "Dylan" character because he fell asleep on the job. He is mad mad mad at Scotty because Scotty forced him to work while sleepy. Hunter has yelled at Scotty lots at the bar and Scotty got all crazed and slammed him up against a wall. Hunter is really mad.

But then Hunter is REALLY BUMMED because Sophie is all like "Oh actually its Shanti's deathaversary tomorrow, I only know cos dad has it marked on the calender". Callum must have a calender jam-packed with various staff members death dates, I can understand why he would need stationery to keep up with them all.
Sarah is in charge of the hospital? I must have missed that...Brooke is all up in Sarah's grill about Sarah making a decision about some grant. Sarah, hating Brooke, wants to extend the grant date or something so she can fuck Brooke over. Brooke doesn't like this one ity bity brookie bit

This guy is called "Shane" and he is "from the DHB". I wish they would stop this parade of smarmy evil power players from the DH fucking B. Its getting confusing.

Shane sees Brooke and he's all "PHWOAR". He tells Sarah to give Brooke the grant, but he has nefarious plans up his DHB sleeves!
Back at the IV Tracey is busy trying to get Scotty to let his feelings go or something. Hunter shows up with some coffees and apologises for his yelling etc. Scotty snaps at him and storms off home followed by Tracey WASTING TWO PERFECTLY GOOD COFFEES! Its okay though, the coffee cups look empty. Good one prop team.
Back at Maxwell house Ula is being a super creep and taking photos of Daniel on her cellphone, no doubt to fantasise to later.

Ula flirts and simpers and its gross. She has none of Vasa's predatory charm.
It turns out that this Brooke grant drama is complicated by the fact that Brooke and Isaac have somehow tampered with all the other grant applications so that Brooke's is the only good one? I assume the rest are for topics like "How to make a headache go away with jam" and "My brain is full of holes, give me some brain moisturizer and super glue". Brooke and Isaac are all panicky about being found out so Brooke goes on the offensive and flirts up a storm with Shane from the DHB, unbuttoning her tight white shirt and saying things like "I hate waiting....for anything".
Meanwhile at the hospital cafe Ula shamelessly flirts with Daniel but is interrupted by Vasa who rolls her eyes around in her skull and makes a noise kind of like this "uooohhiuuuoo- so that's why you were to keen to come here! give it up hun he is way too old for you"

Hey I've got advice for YOU Vasa- give it up because Maxwell is way too tapping Sarah for you. Slut.
That non-Bella daughter of Wendy is also at the cafe, I thought she was supposed to be a nerd but Toby thinks she is meant to be a hipster.

Vasa somehow arranges it so Wendy-daughter and Ula have to go clean Vasa's house. Wendy-daughter strikes a deal for $15 to clean the house and Wendynurse stands there making this face.

Ula is busy being obsessed with Daniel

and listening to bad music "yeeeeeah, yeeeeah oh yeeeeah my baby yeeeah". Ula then morphs her face with Daniel to see what their baby would look like.

Stupid nerd/hipster sees the computer screen with Ula and Daniel's faces swirling around attempting to morph and is all "OH FUNNY YOU LIKE DANIEL BLAH BLAH BLAH". I loathe the entire Wendy family, they are all dead weight and should come down with some kind of genetic killing disease.
Back at the hospital Shane from the DHB orders Sarah to give Brooke the grant and Brooke is the happiest she has ever been (excepting that time she was upside down banging TK).

BUT WAIT that Shane from the DHB knows that she was somehow involved in the robbing of the Shortland Street coffers by that Leo guy? He faked his credentials and stole $200,000? And somehow Brooke was in on it but I don't know how. Meh, she's a shady lady, I buy it. Anyway, Shane from the DHB wants to blackmail Brooke to say that Callum knew about the bad credentials of Leo BEFORE Leo stole the money so Shane from the DHB can take over or something? Shane is all hot for Brooke and says he will give her the 2IC position if she helps him get Rachel, Callum and some guy called Nugent out of there. Brooke is all "OH NO" and maybe "I'm tempted!" and it looks like Isaac and Brooke will team up to get Shane from the DHB? I quite enjoy the morally corrupt Brooke/Isaac pairing. They work for me. I like to imagine them getting married then training their children in the art of awesome facial expressions, being snooty and performing fake surgeries on their rich relatives to extort hundreds of thousands of dollars from them. It could be a family tradition!
By the way, you know who I haven't seen haunting our screens in a while? Phoenix and that douche kid of Wendy's. 100% happy about this.

Meanwhile Tracey and Scotty have returned from their Shanti/Chai party. Scotty has a nice lie down on the couch while Tracey goes to get some tucker. Scotty kicks a pile of books off the couch and suddenly goes into full Penny memory mode and performs a series of hilarious facial expressions

Tracey bumbles back into the house and thinks that Scotty is freaking about Shanti's untimely demise and so Scotty just screws up his face some more and looks pained. Scotty is still moping around his house when Hunter shows up and Scotty opens up his sweaty heart about his panic attacks due to Hunter's ex-lay Penny almost murdering him. We have heard all of this before Shortland Street!
That nerd girl is still cleaning Vasa's house and is teasing Ula about her Daniel lust. Ula decides, logically, that the best thing to do when someone knows an embarrassing secret about you and is threatening to tell people, is to lock them in a cupboard, a move sure to make said person love you and never tell anyone your shameful secret.
But oh no! Nerd/Hipster has asthma and Ula has almost killed her! This is kind of like that time in the sixth sense when Haley Joel Osment is locked in that cupboard at a party with a bunch of mean ghosts. Except Bruce Willis is probably not going to show up to help nerd/hipster and no one is a ghost (that we are aware of)...POTENTIAL SHORTLAND STREET TWIST? imagine if in the final episode when we are like 80 years old the reanimated corpse of Chris Warner shows up to tell everyone that they were dead all along!
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