Anyway he flips out in an elevator and kind of tumbles out the doors when they open, and Tracey seems frankly quite disgusted with the whole affair - her reaction to her mentally ill fiance is comparable to her reaction to spilling the milk or something:

Anyway he rolls around on the floor for a while and it's pretty neat.
The IV bar got a bad review from some real slug-looking guy who wanted to mack on Brodie or something, but a rudimentary internet search by Sophie reveals that the reviewer was actually the brother of rival bar owner "Dante". Which is a pretty incompetent cover-up from the evil bar/newspaper syndicate, but whatever
Oh yeah also it turns out "Dante", whose actual name is Tristan, was up on charges in Christchurch for spiking drinks and groping babes. Probably the all time worst news story ever - notice whoever wrote it spelt "trial" wrong:

Tania and Jennifer live together, Tania's not happy about Jennifer seeing TK, I guess. I don't know, there's a pretty awkward and poorly executed locker scene which seems to be in the episode just so we can get some mild Tania nudity:

man Jennifer looks hungry there
Tracey and Sarah are very concerned for the newly crazy Scotty:

Sophie decides to get Dante/Tristan bad press via gossip columists
I'm sorry, this is just a really tedious episode
OK seriously, this episode is actually just the Tania peep show:

We're treated to a weirdly long segment of Tania dancing around in her underwear (her head cropped out of frame) when TK arrives. AWKWARDD. Then Jennifer pops in to find TK chilling with a half-naked Tania for maximum shitty drama purposes
Post-breakup Sarah moves in with Scotty and Tracey, and she's in the door like all of five seconds before she starts ordering Scotty around. No wonder Maxwell cheated on and promptly dumped her.
Speak of the devil, Maxwell opens the next scene, standing around his apartment by himself for some reason when Vasa stops by and they waste my time and everyone else's

Maxwell and Jennifer are having a romantic dinner while what sounds like the Mr Whippy song plays in the background. GUHHH for once I think this scene might be intentionally awkward though? TK wants to get laid but Jennifer is all ON THE ROAD BUCKO and off he goes
Scotty feels bad about not making Sarah feel welcome. Pretty sure Sarah's the one who walked in and was like "YOU'VE BEEN IGNORING DOCTOR'S ORDERS GO TO A PSYCHIATRIST" completely unprompted
Sophie feels remorse about going to the gossip magazines about Dante's rapey past, but there are more extras in the IV bar than ever. So nobody should complain, probably
Ula's sulky and sullen. Families on television are serious dead weight, let me tell you. Maxwell repeatedly demands a hug from her and she finally makes good. I don't see what relevance this has to anything.
Dante's brother the slug-like restaurant reviewer is at the IV getting grumpy at Sophie. Turns out he and Dante both got fired from their respective jobs, and also he has trouble talking and keeping his eyes open at the same time:

He gets pretty worked up and starts waving his head around like a braying sea lion, and is making such a commotion Daniel has to come in and forcibly eject him from the bar:

Jennifer's all "oh yeah I wanna bone TK I guess" to Tania, then Brooke comes in and delivers this baffling monologue about how "better woman than you have tried and failed" to get a "ring back on that finger" and the scene is actually about as bewildering as this sentence
Ohman, I just realised the TV2 synopsis for this episode says "Scotty faces his toughest enemy". Could his toughest enemy be HIMSELF????
The synopsis also says Sophie confronts a monster. Could that monster be HERSELF???

Yeah she's real bummed about getting Dante and slug reviewer fired. Daniel comforts her. Pretty sure he's gonna stick it to her again pretty soon
Meanwhile, what happened to Yvonne? Is she still on the show? I mean don't get me wrong, I have no problem with her being banished forever, but I haven't seen her weirdly pumpkin-shaped face around the show at all lately and it's bumming me out. Sort of.
please post for this week. I've missed the whole week and rely on you guys for the accurate and perfectly summarised updates.