Uh British guy wants Sapphic temptress Nicole, Bella wants Brodie, Brodie wants Sophie, Hunter made out with hot new surgeon Jennifer. Neat.
Immediately after kissing Hunter, Jennifer apologises repeatedly and starts weeping. Hot catch! She's all "I'm real bummed cause I lost a patient" so he puts on this bullshit "sensitive guy" thing to try and get into her clearly mentally imbalanced underwear
Brodie's taken Bella back to his shithole of an apartment, where she promptly sits on a slice of pizza. Then he's all "oh yeah actually I wanna stick it to Sophie". This episode, so far, is a lesson in smooth
Bella can't look anyone in the eyes, but it makes sense because Brodie seems to be wearing eyeliner.
Jesus, Jennifer's life sucks. She lost a kid and made out with a guy that looks like a Topp Twin and now she's gonna go chill by herself. But Nicole offers her a shoulder to cry on
Oh yeah Brodie's all "ciao Bella" to Bella as she leaves. Sweet scriptwriting, Shortland St!
Meanwhile, in the cafe, British guy is explaining time zones to Brooke, and for some reason, the concept of the international date line pisses her off a whole lot:

Anyway back at their dingy hellhole apartment, Hunter and Brodie are just chillin

It's pretty homoerotic. Hunter's all "oh hey remember that time we had that flatmate, and we both wanted to stick it to her, so I did, and then it turned out she killed a bunch of guys?" and Brodie's like "yeah also once I set a couch on fire, also I want to stick it to your sister now, remember how she seduced that guy and then he was all 'I'm not a creep' but actually he was a creep and then he stalked her? And now she owns a bar, inexplicably?"
It's a pretty great conversation.
Oh man, OnDemand has this ad for like coffeeware called "Bodum", after the sweet metal act Children of Bodum? That chimp DIGS ITTTTT
Scotty's promoted Nicole but he don't trust her, so he asks Tracey to spy for him. She kind of lurches toward him weirdly:

Bella's real perplexed as to why Brodie doesn't want her/Sophie messed her around:

It's definitely because she has no eyebrows.
Anyway Brooke cons her into leaving the office so she can steal some documents or something. I have no idea about her motivations, but I'm glad she's back to her usual sociopathic tricks.
Nicole then calls the nurse on the right in this picture a "creature of the night":

Hunter and Jennifer are in a lift, and reinvigorated by his shitty benchpress routine, he attempts to ask her out again. Then Callum comes in and is all "oh yeah this is my son also"
Bella then advises Sophie to get "old and fat" so she can ensnare Brodie in her womanly trap.
British guy seems to be angry at Nicole for leading him on when she's really all about the babes, and so I think he's sabotaging her nursing with Scotty or something? I think we're not meant to like this British guy, but to be honest I find him charming. Anyway Scotty is kind of mad at her a bit I guess. I don't know.
Oh man bald creepy doctor now wants Jennifer. Emotional instability is clearly the hot ticket among the hospital's hottest bachelors. Or at least the kind of bloated, pink-faced ones.
So Brodie asks out Bella again because he's real bummed I guess, and then she's all "nah I'm good" and he feels the infinite sadness:

Hunter persists in asking out Jennifer. She's like 40, and I think he's meant to be about 20? This is creepy and weird. I mean I know he stuck it to that middle aged woman before, but it was weird then and it's weird now. She must be pretty pissed off. Anyway she throws him off her track by telling him a story about how her negligent caregiving killed a kid. Aw yeah
Then there's this shitty argument between the nurses for seemingly no reason:

and Scotty is forced to hesitantly intervene, which he does in this weird stuttery overacting style, that I think is meant to convey his grasp on sanity is slipping. Or something. I don't know.
oh it's almost time for tonight's episode
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